The Law of attrACTION
People get the Law of attrACTION wrong.
The problem is they’re focused on what they can attract.
But, what they should be focusing on is the action they’re going to take to get it.
The law of attraction suggests our conscious and unconscious thoughts influence our lives by attracting events and circumstances. The premise is simple, like attracts like:
- Focus on positive thoughts and you’ll attract positive outcomes
- Focus on negative thoughts, you’ll attract negative outcomes
Here are the key points most people consider for the Law of Attraction:
- Ask: Know what you want and ask the universe for it
- Believe: Believe you’ll get what you want
- Receive: Be open to receiving it
The Problem is there’s a second part to Believe they don’t consider.
You need to Work Toward Your Goals.
If you want to be successful, you need to combine Three Laws:
- Attraction
- Planning
- Action
For Attraction, it comes down to knowing what you want, believing you deserve it and being open to receive it.
Attraction exercises you can use are:
- Self-Confirmation
- Dream boards
- Affirmations
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, uses affirmations or self-confirmation as his interpretation of the Law of Attraction.
He believes that we are programmable machines and we can program ourselves towards success through positive present-tense statements.
The focus leads to recognizing and seizing opportunities otherwise overlooked.
Scott’s methodology is to write down the statement 15x every day.
Dream boards
A dream board, otherwise known as a vision board, is a powerful tool in your quiver to harness the law of attraction.
When you visualize your goals and dreams, you’re more likely to manifest them in your life.
To create your dream board effectively:
- Identify your goals and dreams
- Collect visual representations
- Create your dream board
- Keep it in a visible place
- Visualize and reflect
- Take action on it
Affirmations are positive, specific statements to help you overcome self-limiting beliefs.
They’re a key tool in applying the Law of Attraction, as they help you focus your thoughts on your goals and maintain a positive mindset:
- Identify your beliefs and goals
- Create your affirmations
- Repeat them daily
- Visualize them
- Write them
- Action
I personally use the law of attraction and find significant benefits from it.
What it looks like for me is I either write down 15x or repeat in my mind 30x each day a specific message, for example By 2025, Clint will make $3 million per year consistently and then I either:
- Meditate
- Walk the dog
When I meditate or walk the dog, I generate ideas tied to the affirmation.
When I read Twitter, listen to a Podcast or talk to friends, I file away ways I can achieve the affirmation.
Because I’m triggering my brain to focus on how to make $3 million per year, any ways I come across that would help get filed away.
I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it, life is simple.
It isn’t easy, but it’s really, really simple:
- Know what you want
- Understand what it takes
- Do the work. Day in. Day out
To me, the Law of Attraction only covers off the first bullet point.
Planning is the second bullet point in the chain of success.
Positively, almost anything we want has been achieved and documented:
- Books
- Videos
- Articles
- Biographies
- Documentaries
When you know what you want, find someone who’s done it and seek to understand how they did it.
This is where the magic happens.
The difference between a runner and a non-runner is A Runner, Runs.
The difference between a write and a non-write is, A Writer, Writes.
If there’s an identity you want to embody, there’s actions to take.
The best part of it all, is the actions you take compound:
- To be great, Embrace the Suck
- Embrace the Suck long enough to be good
- Be good long enough until you become great
- To go from Suck → Good → Great, use Consistency
- Whether positive or negative, consistency compounds
Bottom Line: To Succeed, Keep it Simple:
- Know
- Plan
- Do