We’re Living in a Matrix


Clint Murphy Clint Murphy

Clint Murphy  00:10

Are we in a matrix? The reality is we can’t know for sure whether we’re in a matrix or not, though, doesn’t matter, you should be living your life as if we are in a matrix. And I’m going to explain why that’s the case. 

Clint Murphy  00:26

The idea that we might be living in a simulated reality isn’t just science fiction. It’s a concept that’s been explored by some of the greatest minds of our time, including tech visionary, Elon Musk. Musk has leveraged what I call the matrix mindset more than most, here’s what he’s had to say on the topic. “If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then games will be indistinguishable from reality or civilization will end. One of those two things will occur. Therefore, we are most likely in a simulation because we exist. 

Clint Murphy  01:05

Elon simplified the argument of the philosopher Nick Bostrom, who argues in his simulation argument that one of three possible scenarios must be true. One, all civilizations become extinct before reaching technological maturity. Two, all technologically mature civilizations lose interest in creating civilizations, or Three, humanity is currently living in a computer simulation. 

Clint Murphy  01:35

Given these scenarios, Musk and Bostrom suggest it’s more plausible we’re in a simulation then we’re not. 

So why would I be happy we’re in a matrix, you might ask yourself. The simple answer is rules. If we’re in a computer simulation, then the simulation has rules that it’s built on. And I have learned that life has rules. And the best part about rules is there’s always hacks, exploits, patterns, and systems.

Clint Murphy  02:10

Pattern recognition becomes your friend. And learning how to exploit those patterns in your favor is what’s going to set you up for success. 

Clint Murphy  02:22

A person with a matrix mindset doesn’t waste time, complaining about the possibility of a simulated reality. Instead, they focus on understanding and exploiting the rules to live the best life they possibly can. Elon is a prime example of this approach. He continually seeks out first principles – basic truths that can’t be reduced any further and he uses them to bend the system, or the matrix to his will. Whether it’s electric cars, space travel, social media, or artificial intelligence. 

Clint Murphy  02:59

Let’s talk about patterns. The foundation of the matrix mindset pattern recognition is key in any area of life if you want to excel. 

Clint Murphy  03:09

Here are three areas where pattern recognition can make a significant impact: skill stack, habits and behavior, paths of successful people. 

Clint Murphy  03:19

When it comes to skill stacks. These are the unique combinations of skills and competencies you’ve developed. They include skills, knowledge and expertise. In the matrix, you see which combination of skills can create a valuable skill stack. You focus on building a stack of rare and valuable skills just like the wealthy and successful individuals before you have. 

Clint Murphy  03:47

Determine what your optimal skill stack is, and work towards it. I highly recommend improving your writing and public speaking skills. They will help you stand out from the crowd.

Clint Murphy  04:02

Habits and behaviors: Simple – If you want to be fit, surround yourself with people. If you want to be wealthy, surround yourself with wealthy people. The people you surround yourself will shape who you become. Observe their habits and behaviors. Choose the ones you want to adopt and integrate them into your life. Repeat this process continuously. When you put yourself in the situation to be in the right room or to observe people directly or indirectly, who’ve achieved what you want to achieve, you can seek to understand their habits and behaviors. Then choose the behavior or habit you want. Copy that behavior or habit until it’s part of you. Select the next behavior or habit and repeat the process. Don’t constrain yourself to only one person. Choose the best habits and behaviors of each person you want to embody and make their habits and behaviors your own. This is why I always say I don’t look up to individuals, I look up to the habits and behaviors that they adopt because I know I’m going to steal those habits and behaviors until they become mine, until I become the person I want to be. 

Clint Murphy  05:21

Think of yourself as a Sim. In the game Sims, you get to choose exactly how your character behaves. You get to to determine what time do I wake up. What are my habits? What are my behaviors? What skills am I going to study to move me ahead in life? Live your life like you’re a Sim character. 

Clint Murphy  05:43

All right, last one: paths of successful people. Many successful individuals have documented their journeys in books or online. Study their paths, understand what it took for them to succeed and apply those lessons to your own life. Know what you want, understand what it takes, do the work day in, day out. Once you’ve identified what you want, find the paths of those who have succeeded and make them your own. Walk down the path that they’ve laid out before you. 

Clint Murphy  06:19

This brings us to the practical application of the matrix mindset: hacks, exploits and systems. That’s why I created the growth guide where every week I share articles, podcasts, episodes, and newsletters to help you be better, achieve more and become financially free. 

Clint Murphy  06:39

I have a matrix mindset. I believe that we can live the life we want. Each one of us can engineer our future. Every single day I seek to optimize my future by checking off that I’ve improved mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. The future is ours my friends, if we choose it, so join me each week as we dive into the habits, behaviors, hacks, exploits and systems that will help us achieve our dreams. If you like the podcast, you’ll love our newsletter, the growth guide every Thursday straight to your inbox with the goal to help you be better, achieve more and become financially free. Check it out at our website, the growth dot guide. subscribe and learn more

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