Learn How to Quiet the Noise, Find Your Superpower and Finally Feel Satisfied

with Vanessa Loder

About the Episode

This week’s episode of The Growth Guide podcast features Vanessa Loder. Vanessa is a women’s career leadership expert, writer, TEDx speaker and energetic spark plug committed to helping women expand what’s possible for their lives. 

She joined us today to talk about her book, “The Soul Solution: A Guide for Brilliant, Overwhelmed Women to Quiet the Noise, Find Their Superpower, and (Finally) Feel Satisfied.”

The old success myth says being successful means having money, prestige, and power over people. But if you only consider gaining these, you are going to end up feeling empty one day. Starting the conversation, Vanessa defines the old success myth and how to use the new paradigm of success to find out your version of success in life.

Energetic breadcrumbs are those little moments when you feel energized, alive, or curious about something. They can seem small, insignificant, or random, but they can be good for you in a way you cannot see. Vanessa defines breadcrumbs as a way for people to start to tune into the wisdom of their souls and their hearts.

Vanessa shares personal stories and offers tips and techniques for cultivating self-compassion, catching negative self-talk, and creating radical change within existing structures and systems. This episode is full of valuable insights and actionable advice for anyone looking to live from their heart and soul.

Topics Discussed

Paradigm success [2.36]
Vanessa explains the old success myth and the new paradigm success.
Listening to your heart [11.03]
You will eventually become the person you are meant to be when you start listening to your heart.
The burden [17.23]
We talk about the burden women have to carry because we still live in a patriarchal social system.
Energetic breadcrumbs [25.00]
Little moments when you feel energized, alive, or curious about something.
The four quadrants [31.00]
The zone of incompetence, the zone of competence, the zone of excellence, and the zone of genius
The hollowness [37.32]
Your career is important. But your family holds way too much value.
Radical responsibility [44.00]
Vanessa defines radical responsibility.
Self compassion [51.52]
Self-compassion increases willpower and reduces self-criticism.
The right thing [1.01.23]
We lie to make others happy and betray ourselves. It's better to make new agreements rather than going behind someone's back.

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