Gladys McGarey, Clint Murphy
Clint Murphy 00:00
Gladys, welcome to the show. We are going to talk today about your book, The Well Lived Life. And before we dive into the book, this may be hard for you to do harder than any guests I’ve ever had. But do you want to give the listeners a brief bio of your background?
Gladys McGarey 00:19
My whole background all 102 years.
Clint Murphy 00:23
Exactly. Yeah, that’s why it’s definitely going to be more challenging than the average guest. But what are some of the highlights that you want to throw at people?
Gladys McGarey 00:30
Well, I was born and raised in India, in the jungles of India. And kind of a fun thing. My mother went into labor with me at the Taj Mahal, you know, wow, I think she was kind of a drama queen. Anyway, so my life started that way, and, you know, all kinds of ups and downs and go rounds. But I spent the most of my early childhood in the, my parents were medical missionaries. And they went out to India to take their medical work to the people in North India, where the aspect of the president Presbyterian Church was working. So we lived in tents. Out in the jungle, my parents, my father, and my older brothers, were hunters because the Tigers and leopards really did attack the Village People. And the village people had no ways of protecting themselves. So I have a tiger on my wall that my dad shot the Leopard on my bookcase that I shot and different things like that, I guess, pretty weird, but seemed normal.
Clint Murphy 01:54
While you were in the jungle at that time, or in that area of India, that’s where you say, for the first secret. You found your juice. And it was while your dad and brothers were out hunting in you and your mom had an experience with it with an elephant that came into the village. Do you want to share that with the listeners?
Gladys McGarey 02:19
Yeah, that was an experience that I remember well, I must have been about oh eight or something like that. Age wise. But anyway, my mother was a physician too. She was an osteopath. So she was carrying on the medical work while my brothers and my dad were up on a hunt. And all of a sudden, in my house elephant boy, man who took care of the elephants came walking into the tent to the camp. And he said to my mother, this is my maharajahs favorite elephant. And he wants you to look at him and see if you can help him. My mother said, Well, I don’t know how to take care of elephants. And he said, You’re a doctor, aren’t you? And she said, Yes. He says you take care of elephants. And she said, Okay. And so she did. She walked up to the elephant and this huge elephant was just standing there. A couple of weeks prior to this that the Maharajah had been on a hunt. And the elephant had stepped on a bamboo stump. And his right, no nose left front foot had never healed up. No matter what they did, try and see what they could do. So my mother just started talking to the elephant and patting its trunk and saying now listen to be a good boy. And let me see what I can do. And my mother was bought five foot one. So here’s this elephant head and she’s talking to the elephant is standing perfectly still. And she realized that he probably had some foreign body in his foot that had not been removed. So she asked me to go and get a basin of potassium manganese, which I knew how to fix and a syringe and the forceps. And so I got her the tools that she needed. And she began for with her forceps feeling around in the end the elephant foot and found that there was about a six inch piece of bamboo stump that was in the foot his foot. So she worked around that and removed it all the time. She’s doing that she’s talking to the elephant and telling him she is probably hurts but please hold still, and I’ll get this out. And she’s talking Hindustani. So the elephant knew understood. She was talking Hindustani. So that was a good day. And I understood what she was saying. So the elephant was perfectly still. And she removed the day piece of wood of bamboo. And then took the syringe and irrigated the whole aspect of that foot there and clean that all out, applied some ointment and so on and told the Muhammad what to do when he took off and back and so on. The you know, just patted the elderly on the leg and said, Now we’ll see what, how well this goes and, and just talk to us more. And the Elephant Man, behold is the name for the elephant Boy, that my sister and my brother me walk up to I will I was already there. Welcome the elephant picked us up in his trunk and put us on his back. And you know, there were a whole bunch of little Indian kids running around and we had a couple of those were on tour. And we went down to the Gan Jesus, our campus is on the edge of the Ganges. And the elephant took us into the Ganges and got some water as snout and just sprayed us really good. We had a wonderful time. And then that Muhammad took him back to the bookmark Rajan. The next morning, they come back into tent into camp. And the elephant walked right past him, everybody else, right up to my mother, put his hot snot around, my mother picked her up and kind of swung around, she patted him on the nose and said, Now be a good boy, let me down, you know, and he put her down and they went on cheap. So for a week, this elephant was there, we kids were having a ball because elephant would play with us. But my mother took care of that elephant. Just the way she was taking care of all of the people that were coming to her. And to me that was such a such an inspiration. That if you’re living working with life and living processes, you must love it, you know, if you love it, and he actually can understand it, no matter whether it’s an elephant, or a rosebush. These are living parts of our universe, and need to be treated like living things, and loud. And so I just knew that that was part of my destiny, I, I had to be able to do this too.
Clint Murphy 07:56
And it’s amazing reading how many people in your family then and now are doctors. And so that was your juice that was in the West, we may say you realize that was your purpose for the listener that’s listening, that says to you or says to me, I don’t know how to find my juice. I don’t know what my purpose or mission is. What do you say to them? What do you say some ways they can find their juice?
Gladys McGarey 08:23
are you looking for? If you’re looking for your juice, if you’re looking for the light, if you’re reaching for the light, if you understand that you’re a human being, and you have a purpose in this life, and you’re really trying to find it, you’ll find it. If you can’t get it yourself, somebody will come along and help you with that, because that’s the way life works. I kind of think of it like maybe I have a flashlight and I’m walking down my path. And I can just go as far as that beam in that light takes me. But as I’m walking along, quite often, there may be a dim light over to the left or to the right. But if I add my light to that light, it increases what that person has an in the way of what is real. And when that happens, their juice gets, it may feel pretty dim and like it can they can hardly move. But if someone else’s juice comes in helps them with that, then there’s more because that’s what they’re looking for now. And as you begin to look for it, it comes to you. If you’re not looking for it, you’ll never see it.
Clint Murphy 09:48
And so much of that and what I loved about the book lattices is as I as I’ve gotten a bit older and you’re gonna say well, no, you’re still really young is I’ve seen slowly started to put together those connections between the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual and realized how it all ties together. In you say that in western medicine, we don’t tend to connect our physical issues to our mental or emotional states, were trained to look at isolated organs are focused on mechanical itch issues such as diet and posture, instead of asking patients, what do you think you’re holding in your gut? Or what else in your life isn’t working? Can you unpack that one for us, and maybe give the listeners an example of where you’ve seen that approach have such a profound impact on someone’s life?
Gladys McGarey 10:46
Well, you know, people come in to see if the doctor and they come in because they’re hurting, or they have a disease. And conventional medicine feels that our purpose is to get rid of diseases and pain. And I don’t see it that way. Because I think both diseases and pain are ways in which our inner physician, the aspect of our own being, that is truly divine, and truly, in touch with what’s going on with within us as an individual person. If we can contact that person, then the healing can begin. Because, you know, when my eldest son became, he was trained as an orthopedic surgeon. And he came through Phoenix, on his way down to Del Rio, Texas to do to practice is his mission, you know, and he said to me, on the way down, he said, Mom, you know, I’m real scared, I have all this training, and I’m going into the world, I’m gonna have people’s lives in my hands. I don’t know if I can handle that. And I said to him, Well, Carl, if you think you’re the one that does the healing, you really have a right to be scared. But if you can understand that you have this amazing training, which is so important, it’s not that conventional medicine, and holistic medicine are opposites. It’s not that at all, it’s how they work together. Because if you have something that needs to have an orthopedic surgeon work on, you better get an orthopedic surgeon can to that. You want somebody that doesn’t know what they’re doing. But I said, once that you’ve done your job, then you turn the healing aspect of that over to the your colleague, who is the physician within that patient, because that’s what does the actual healing. And the whole basis of that is, it’s the love that we get love that we have for ourselves. And for life. That gives us the juice, which is what actually works with the whole healing process is not a single thing. It’s not a single idea. It’s because what happens when you’re your age, and what happens when I’m my age are two different things. And we’re in different places, and we’re different people. So it’s never the same thing. But it’s always the same thing. You know, and long run. It’s never just one thing that would well maybe it does it for some I shouldn’t say it’s never, it’s seldom, one thing that really turns things around and allows you to overcome an illness or not. But if you don’t, that very illness sometimes is the thing that really teaches you the most Franklin Roosevelt was a was in pain. He had post polio syndrome. He was in pain until the day he died. But it didn’t keep him from being president. He lived with the pain he lived through it. And he did what his soul his inner physician told him was his job to do and he did it.
Clint Murphy 14:48
So much to unpack in that in that one answer Gladys and something you hit on that I really want to magnify, you talked about the importance of So your son as the orthopedic surgeon, but the person who’s on the operating table, their own inner healing, and it reminded me when you talked in the well lived life about I believe it was the first time you had cancer. And so just think about that the first time there’s very, when people are saying that that’s magical in in itself, and you were going in for surgery. But before you went in for your surgery, you mentally rehearsed, and had a conversation with yourself and with your cancer, and visualized your cancer packing itself up in a suitcase, and calling to all of its cancer cell friends and saying, Hey, why don’t you come get in the suitcase with me, we’re about to have surgery and get out of here. And you talked about some of the science that shows that. And I don’t want to get this completely wrong. But I think you know, where, where I’m going and that are our genes, if you will, can react to our visualization, or how we talk to them. And it’s, it reminds me of when they do the tests of I believe it’s water molecules and you talk, you play certain sounds outside of the glass, and the water molecules will react positively or negatively to the sounds you’re playing. So do you want to take that a little over and in the importance of that visualization, in that positive talk in the self love in healing ourselves,
Gladys McGarey 16:28
pivotal, because life itself needs to move. And if life stops moving, it dies. So if we understand, if we can work with our minds, and our purpose well enough, that we understand ourselves enough and love ourselves well enough, we can actually talk to the cells of our body, and have them understand what it is our purpose is, I mean, it’s not that I have these cells floating around, and they don’t know who they are. That every cell in my body is starts out as a stem cell grows into whatever part of the body is, you know, whether it’s a toenail cell or no cell, it knows what it is. It’s, it’s a conscious, living aspect of my body of your body of all of our bodies, is created its own universe with this amazing reality, that it’s alive. These are livings growing cells within our body that we can work with, as we understand that they understand what we understand because we’re the same.
Clint Murphy 18:03
And Right, when you started that answer, you gave me a little chill with the first sentence and you were talking about sort of, if we’re not moving forward, we’re dying. And that’s something I’ve always believed when it comes to learning and growth. And I’m gonna fast forward, we’ll jump around a little on the secrets, we’ll jump forward to secret five, in secret five is everything is your teacher in you, right, that we live our best lives when we approach life with curiosity and a desire to learn from everything. And you believe part of the point of life is to learn to grow, to evolve in response to our experiences. And I appreciate that because the first name of this podcast was the pursuit of learning. And then it evolved into the growth guide. So learning and growth are my passions. And I’ve always thought the same way to you. The day I stopped learning, the day I stopped growing will be the day that I die. And learning and growth are a big part of my juice on my journey, Gladys. So why do we Why do we both feel that way? And how can people change their perspective to have that curiosity to learn and grow? And, and I think one of the important things is, you know, that we lose our curiosity as we age, and the most curious people, our children, and we lose it as we grow older. And I think the older we get, the more we lose it. So how can we encourage people who are in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond to keep that love of learning and curiosity so that they can keep moving and growing and living the life they are meet?
Gladys McGarey 19:47
I have five L’s that speak to me serve help to answer that question, which is huge isn’t it’s a huge question you’re asking and there are now multiple sideways. But these five L’s helped me to pull things into perspective so that I’d be able to express what I was understanding about the whole process of life and, and so on. And the five, let me go through these five L’s, because I think they not only help to visualize, but you know, when we understand something in a written way, our body understands it. So the first L is life, if we’re not alive in us in college anyway, you know, it doesn’t matter. But if we’re alive, then the energy of the universe is within us. Within every cell of our body, it’s like a seed in the pyramid, who’s there for 5000 years or something, and not able to do anything, because it’s just there, it has the shell around it, and it’s stuck. And it’s not is not going and he put nothing’s happening, until love activates it. So love and life are integral aspects of the whole process of living, they don’t function without the other. The two words as a matter of fact, our word are the same except for one difference, the life you have the eye, which is, you know, so almost a phallic symbol, and the ol in love, which is the, so you have the sperm and the ovum when it’s the duality of this universe that we’re living in. That actually, when it comes together, creates the living process. Until the love is activates the life, it really can’t express itself. So to start this whole concept going about how love life and love and all, move is accepting the reality. If we are alive, we have to move. And if we have to move, we have to have the awareness that life and love are, can’t function. Well don’t function on this dual natured universe, without the other. So life and love are integral aspects of our very being. The next L is laughter without love, is cruel. It’s mean it’s damages, but laughter with love, is joy, and happiness. And the really the wants the desire to live, it’s, it says yes, this is great. It’s the ability to laugh, and love and work out our whatever it is that we’re dealing with. The fourth one is labor, labor, without love is drudgery. I gotta go to work, have too many diapers? Oh, what is this all about? Anyway, it’s just too hard. But labor with love is bliss. It’s why you do what you do. It’s why I do what I do. It’s why a singer sing. It’s why a painter paints, it’s that inner urge within us that says, Yes, this I can do. And you work twice as it’s 20 times 50 times harder than you would if you were just dragging yourself along, you know, making yourself do it in nature. And the fifth one is listening without love is empty sound. You it just doesn’t mean anything to anybody. You can say the wisest thing in the world. And if a person isn’t listening, and doesn’t want to hear they don’t hear. But listening with love is understanding. So these five L’s for me helped us sort of construct a, a little bit of a foundation for explaining some of the stuff that happens within us.
Clint Murphy 24:37
And when we look at that, it seems the key element that really activates it and you say this, you say life force is activated by love. So two questions on that. Why does Western medicine not really pay attention to it?
Gladys McGarey 24:53
I’ll go and answer the first question,
Clint Murphy 24:54
yeah, go there, and then we’ll go to the second.
Gladys McGarey 24:56
The Native Americans understood this. They understood that love was the healing process they still talked about in the works that they do and so on. And we’ve ignored them. You know, we’ve kind of done some pretty nasty things to our, the people who are our real people who know who her are the people who call on it, you know, started. Well, this continent of ours yours in mind. It’s this deep understanding that they’ve had, has been that love is a great healer. That’s what I understood when I was watching my mother in the elephant is that inner Aha, that you get when you really understand something. And you say, well, that yeah, that I get. So then the second.
Clint Murphy 25:53
The second is, the most important aspect of love is self love. The idea that we can’t love someone or something until we learn to love ourselves. And I think of mindfulness and meditations. For example, when you do loving kindness meditation, which is one of my favorites to really calm yourself in feel at one with the universe. Most often we teach people before they can offer themselves may I be well, may I be safe? May I be loved? To offer it to someone that they care about? And then picture that person offering it to them. Because it’s so hard for so many people to say to themselves, may I have these things? May I be loved? May I be well, may I be safe? Have you found that in your practice that so many of us have such a hard time giving ourselves love? And how do you work with those people to say, you are deserving of this. You deserve to love yourself.
Gladys McGarey 26:59
Well, you know, when I was when I was little, and we were living in the jungles of North India, I knew I was loved because my family, the way things worked with the family. I knew I was loved. There was no question about it. When I went to school that was whole thrown in to the wastebasket, because I didn’t know what it was. But I was dyslexic. And I couldn’t read and I couldn’t write. So I flunked first grade for one year, and then I flunked it the next year. And the teacher said I was and the kids all thought I was dumbbell. And I was because I couldn’t read and I couldn’t write. I had the basic understanding deep within myself, about how my family loved me. I knew that. I mean, that was there wasn’t any question about that. But the world, what in the world was going on out here in this world of mine, it was just awful. I really, I hated school, it was just terrible. Until I went into third grade. And the teacher there saw something in me that the other one had not seen. And so she appointed me class governor. And because I was able to, I was able to talk, I was able to do things, I was able to work with kids, you know, I just couldn’t read or write. And so she allowed me to reconnect with the juice when I was nine or eight or nine years old. And it was that ability to know, I was still okay, you know, it was still alright, of course, I was 93. Before I really recognized that I trusted my own voice. But at that eight, nine year old age, what did happen that teacher, one of the things that happened, it was so dramatic. I was since I was the tallest one in the class because I had flunked grade before and all that we had a play that we put on for the whole student body. And the name of the play was that the frog jumped over the pond. And I was the frog because I could jump over this pattern of water. And I was bigger than anybody else and by mother made me a Greek dyed green suit Knight walked out onto the front of the whole student body onto the platform. And it was great confidence. I knew I could do this. But as I stepped onto the platform I saw my two older brothers in the first line row of the of the audience. And it threw me off balance. So that instead of landing instead been jumping over the pond, I landed it. And so the audience is hysterically laughing. They just thought this was the funniest thing. I’m standing there. But suit is beginning to fade. It really was. And I’m crying, I can’t move, I’m stuck. I’m really stuck. The teacher had to come and take me off the platform. So when we got home, my brothers are just, they’re telling my mother what happened. And they’re laughing. And I’m trying to give them the devil’s lie, which they didn’t pay attention to. And so that’s going on. And finally, my mother says, Alright, boys, now you’ve had your fun. What can we do as a family to help Granny, if this ever happens to her in the for your future, if it ever happens, again, that she’s humiliated like that in front of so many people, so that people then will laugh with her, and not at her. And I don’t know what the family decided. But I know that what it was, was the answer to what helped me to understand the aspect of myself that really could do this. And do it, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tripped or done something going onto the stage, because of this dyslexia thing. Balance is also an issue. But I have always been since that time, I’ve always been able to come up with something like, Oh, I’m such a drama queen or something like that. That would just get the audience so that they I had the Westby not against me. And I could start right into what it was that I was going to be talking about. But my mother was such an amazing person. She understood these things. And she understood how she could address them within the family. And one of the things I think is so important is for parents to understand how important it is to listen to what it is that their children are saying.
Clint Murphy 32:42
And one of the things you write about. And I think I’m hearing it there is this idea that something that gets in the way of self love is shame. Oh, so what your mother was trying to work with you on at a very young age and get your brothers to help is to say, let’s help Gladys understand, hey, something bad happened. But she can let go with a shame. And that way she can continue to love herself. Does that resonate?
Gladys McGarey 33:09
Absolutely, absolutely. And then she the other amazing aspect of that whole thing is what she taught us about just letting go of stuff that doesn’t matter. My sister and I were in our 90s. And we were talking and we do this kind of a hand movement, and then this cut. And finally we said to each other. Why do we do that? We’re talking along, and we talked? And we said, we don’t know? Well, who was it that did that? And both of us said Bama? And then we said, why did she do that? And we thought about it. And then we both said, Oh, coach for Villa knee, which didn’t Hindustani means Oh, it doesn’t matter. And we realized that we were 90s but all our lives, this little hand gesture that my mother had taught us because she it was what she did was so pivotal, that we had done this and lived with it and didn’t even realize that we were doing that, that there were things that happen in life that you know, somebody says something, that’s mean, you take it in and you’re injured by it. I mean that hurts. You take it right into your heart. Or you can just let your hand grasp it, let it drop and say oh, it just doesn’t matter. Which for one it just doesn’t matter. And I know that that was one of the things that really allowed me to keep work walking forward and importance that we have as parents to listen to what our children are saying He is pivotal, but not just as parents, we need to listen to what other people are saying. People can say the wisest things at the most unexpected times. And if we’re really listening, we hear them.
Clint Murphy 35:17
And when I had that on my list of things to talk about was the coach Parnell way. And the other one that you talked about that because that was life’s moving forward, and we just have to let it go. Just stay in the flow, let it go. And the other one that stood out to me along those lines was when your sister said to mother court, right, or said to you in response to mother court, right. I don’t have energy for it as a beautiful demonstration of boundaries in our life. Can you talk a little bit about that? Because I think even to you when she said that you thought there was just such power in such a simple statement. I don’t have energy for it. So she, she had just let it go. Yeah,
Gladys McGarey 36:04
yeah. Because my sister was also a great teacher for me, because she was able to understand things. She was two years older than I was. So I would get upset. And she would just bat her blue eyes at me and, and I’d get mad at her and run off and still on. But the whole dynamics of us was actually pointed out to me in that statement, because Margaret she had a newborn baby. And her mother in law lived upstairs. And the baby was fussy. She, Margaret was working on. The mother in law came down and was telling Margaret what she was doing wrong. And Margaret just went on doing what she was doing. And after miss her mother in law left, I, I was fuming, I was saying, How can you? How can you stand to have her say those things that she said to you? Well, Margaret says I don’t have energy for that. I’ve my energy is right here. And she hugged her baby. It was that, that vision of what she was teaching me still, I had to learn. And, and you know, I learned it. Because my kids taught me so much. My number three son came in one day, he was three years old. He came in and he says, Mama, I know something. And I saidWhat’s that Bobby? He says if I make a friend and he makes a friend and he makes a friend, it’s gonna go all around the world and come back to me. So of course, he’s a humanistic psychology psychologists. And this is what he was three years old. He knew that, you know, children nosings. And they just brought save them this. If you listen, you know, it just grabs it. Yeah. It’s and then my second son, he was seven, I guess. And he came in one day. And he says, I wish Jesus was here. And I says, Well, I kind of do too. Why are you saying that? And he says, because I have questions. And I said, Well, I’m here. Maybe I could help. And he said, but you don’t have the answers. And I suppose okay, but just try me. So he says, Okay, how could you not be if you never got started? And I said, Oh, yes. Well, maybe it’s like a circle. It doesn’t have a beginning or an end. And he says, I knew you didn’t have the answers. Well, he’s a retired Presbyterian minister, you know, when you listen to what people say, it’s so amazing. And I’ve got great grandkids that are, they’re saying the most amazing things that now, and these, they aren’t the only ones I mean, these children that are coming in now. They’re still fresh from the divine aspect of ourselves. See, I think, when God created us, think whatever God is to a person, when God created us, and created the whole earth, and He said to us human beings, he said, Now, you are the ones who have choice. You have freewill, to make different choices and so on. You’re the only be as living aspects on this earth that can do that. So I They therefore give you dominance over the earth, you’re in charge of the earth. We thought he said, We, human beings who were are so aware of things. We thought he said dominion over the earth, a Dominion means you take care of dominance means you’re, you dominate the earth. So we thought he said, dominance. And that’s not at all he said, I give you the earth to take care of the earth, you have dominion over the earth, not dominance. And the word sounds similar. And we, in our arrogance, have twisted that around, so that we don’t know that we have missed the mark. And we’re, so now we’re reaching back for our true humanity, which knows that it’s our job to take care of the years, it’s our job to listen to the little ones, but to listen to the older ones, too. folks have a lot of experience. And for us to totally medicate them into foolishness is very sad. So I think there are ways in which we begin to you’re doing it, you know, you’re reaching out to people who are older and want to look a lot at, you know, want their experiences to mean something. And they do mean something.
Clint Murphy 41:50
Well, it’s magical because it’s, it is experience, and I’m a big believer in learning from lived experience. And so people that are older than me have had that experience and can teach me right on my future path. So I find that beautiful. And I’m gonna go back I think you said it was your third son, who brought up that beautiful concept when he was three about connection because you also right? Life comes from our connection. Yes, is supported by our connection and creates connection. We are healthiest and happiest when we’re contributing to and drawing from our collective lifeforce. Can you color that one in for us a little?
Gladys McGarey 42:29
Well, you know, I truly think that when we will like my sister, and my self and Mother Kortright, we can either let ourselves feel the pain that comes from connection. Sometimes, you know, sometimes there’s a person in your life, who really doesn’t understand you, or doesn’t understand what you’re doing, and can be a really hard person to deal with. You can either make them the center of your life, and you know, my life is so difficult because of this person or song. Or you couldn’t take that and do what Margaret did, you know, just don’t have energy for it. It’s a coach for a while and you let it go. And it’s really the constant, give and take and receiving and bend time and, and you know, the energy has to flow. If it gets stuck someplace, then it dies. If you’re stuck someplace, and you really, really feel like you can’t move, start moving something, pick up a pencil and doodle, wiggle your ears, but do something that says to you, ah, I really can move because the body moving allows the soul to move to its we’re not separate. So if we can get something going when we’re stuck, idle, you know, find what works for you. And then do it. If you have a hobby, like nearly pick up some two needles and start knitting and do something. But it’s a call to your soul to reek connect. And then the thing that that will help you is that somebody else’s light will come along and help you or somebody will say something or one of your kids will say something or you’ll trip and fall and you’ll end up in the hospital and end up with something that’s going on and all of a sudden, this whole disease process can tell you and teach you what’s going on.
Clint Murphy 44:58
And tying to that connection. And the idea of connecting and loving. Am I recalling correctly? Did you write something along the lines of I work to love everybody, but that doesn’t mean I liked them all.
Gladys McGarey 45:16
Yeah, that’s true. I choose to spend time with the people that I like, and that I love. So our juice feeds each other. And there are people who I really, you know, we think completely differently. In fact, it’s a matter of a choice. I don’t know if, you know, when I came up with this whole business with holistic medicine, and so on. There were many times when I was called up in front of the Maricopa County Medical Association, because I was saying things that they thought was not quite right or actually wrong. I won’t even try to conjure up the names, we will call but it was a time that we were those of us who were thinking this way. We’re thinking this way. And, you know, that happened. So this one time, I was called up, and they reprimanded me. And I was ready to leave. And I picked up my purse and my keys that were, I had a big keychain. And I started walking out and one of the doctors came up to me, and he says to me, now let me tell you something, honey, well, he pushed a button in me that wasn’t, should not have been pushed me, because I took my fist. And I turned around, and I punched him on his shoulder. And I said, You will not call me honey. I’m your pure age wise, and professionally. And you will not call me honey? Well, he kind of faded a little bit. But I turned around, my lawyer was leaning against the wall laughing He was just I came to the office and told my daughter who was my partner, and she said, Oh, Mom, you didn’t. But I did. But three years later, when I was called up against, he was nice as pie. You know. So there are times when you have bought boundaries. And, you know, really, he called me honey. That didn’t work very well. And so it’s the respect that we have for each other needs to be looked at. And I just, you know, that triggered something. But I think that otherwise, some of these things that that people do, are just they’re just not worth, Margaret just not worth putting in.
Clint Murphy 48:04
Just let it let them go. Choose where you’re going to spend your time and energy. Which brings us to our last question, respecting your time Gladys is in the final secret you wrote, when we align our energy with life, we create a give and take sharing relationship with the source. We no longer have to try to make our own energy, which is a losing battle anyway, because energy is not created or destroyed. Instead, we invest energy we have in life, then when we’re running low on what we need. We simply borrow it back.
Gladys McGarey 48:40
Yeah, and that’s true. I mean, we’ve got all kinds of science that proves that.
Clint Murphy 48:46
What does that look like in practice for people?
Gladys McGarey 48:49
It means that when you’re really tired, and you think that you can’t do anything, find something to do sometimes is to call up somebody who, you know, you’ve been thinking about, and your call may mean, life and death for that person you never know. You know, it means that you realize that, okay, I’m here and I’m stuck. And do I want to stay stuck. And if you want to stay stuck, stay stuck. That’s the right choice, your right your choice. But if you don’t want to stay stuck, start moving, start connecting with people that help you with your juice, who helped you to understand what it is that you can still bring to life. And you’re never too old to do that, you know, to think that you are at 96 Well, actually, I had the opportunity of going to Afghanistan when I was what was that? I even forget I was at 90 Something because I had the opportunity to do it. And it’s these opportunities show up. And you either accept them or you don’t. And it’s amazing what is out there for us to do, you know, maybe when you go to the grocery store, of the person who’s working at that checkout counter has had a hard day. And maybe she is kind of crabby or something. Well, you know, sometimes a kind word to a stranger is a thing that really helps them and lifts them right up out of where they’re stuck. You never know when us a kind word or a smile, or even just a touch, makes a difference and can help another person because life can be hard. And we all know that.
Clint Murphy 50:56
And Gladys, we’ve gone pretty far and wide in the book, deep in some areas. Is there anything that we didn’t touch on in our conversation that you want to make sure you get across to the listeners today?
Gladys McGarey 51:10
Well, yes. know, the whole idea of just giving up, don’t give up. Don’t give up. My dad taught me that. WellI could remember being nine years old doing something. And I said, stomped and said I quit. And my dad looks at me and he says, Are you a quitter? Oh, man, those bad guys saying to me, are you a quitter? Oh, no, no, no. I’m not a quitter and I go back to doing whatever. But it was such an important thing for me to learn when I was little, that there were times when you know, I gave up. It was just hopeless. Well, no, you’re not a quitter. It’s that idea. You’ll find something. There’s something there that you find. You may not realize at the time, and then you look back or you may not. But if you do get yourself moving, life moves.
Clint Murphy 52:15
Beautiful. Thanks, team. And so we’ll get that in the show notes. And thank you so much for joining me today. It was such a pleasure to talk.