ChatGPT is Your Personal Assistant
ChatGPT may be the most powerful technology we’ve ever seen.
But, most of us don’t have a clue how to use it to its maximum potential.
I want to share a simple framework I use with ChatGPT that will change your life.
I want show you how I use ChatGPT and other AI tools as my own personal:
- Intern
- Assistant
- Researcher
The key with any of these roles on your team, whether they’re in real life or artificial intelligence is you need to:
- Give clear direction
- Review any work product
- Refine your directions further
- Continue to rinse and repeat the process
Prompts aren’t the answer.
The Twitter Threads offering you 500 prompts won’t help.
What you need to learn is the process of using AI iteratively and as an assistant.
Let me walk you through an example of how you can use AI in this way for each of these steps.
The Idea
Sometimes, coming up with an idea can be challenging.
Using AI will help you not have to begin from a blank page, which is half the battle.
For example, here’s a simple prompt I can give ChatGPT to help me figure out what I want to write about tonight:
- I want to write an interesting thread about personal finance
- I’d like it to be something that isn’t commonly discussed
- Focus on growing your earnings in uncommon ways
- Give me 5 ideas that fit these parameters
Here’s what ChatGPT gave me:
- Peer to peer lending
- Monetize your hobbies
- Invest in cryptocurrencies
- Rent out your personal assets
- Build and sell online businesses
These are something I can work with.
I could continue to ask it for more and can also suggest it provide alternatives from different cultures I may not normally see.
Personally, here’s how I come up with my ideas:
- Go for a 90 minute walk with my dog
- On the first ½ of the walk, listen to a Podcast
- On the second ½ of the walk, proceed in silence
Every single time, I come up with 4 – 5 ideas I want to write about.
This weekend, the idea was to write a thread about motivational speeches to get you moving, here’s what I did next.
The Research
I asked ChatGPT a very simple question and expected I’d get good results:
What do people consider the top ten motivational speeches we can watch on Youtube
Because ChatGPT uses search results, I’m essentially asking it to go and look at all the Top Ten lists to save me from scouring them.
Not surprisingly, the results it delivered were solid and videos I’ve seen throughout time.
The Refinement
There’s a problem with most Top 10 lists.
They tend to be male centric and also may often lack diversity.
The original list that was sent to me matched that so I refined it this way:
Give me 3 more that are from women
I’ve learned as a creator, it’s on me to ensure I’m doing my best to contribute to diversity.
Now, I’ve gotten results I’m happy with and have a total of 13 videos I can get people to watch, what next?
Refine the Format
Here is the original data it gave me for each video:

The first thing I wanted to test was whether ChatGPT could provide me with specifics about each video, which would allow me to use a very specific format I use, so I requested:
What are the top 3 takeaways from Les Brown’s video You Gotta Be Hungry
Here’s what they gave me:

Thanks, my friendly research assistant, but I can’t stick that in a single tweet, so here’s what I asked my wonderful intern:

I gave it a very specific format, which I would be able to copy and paste directly to my Thread; however, it quickly became clear my intern still wasn’t there when they gave me back:

That would not be an attractive tweet, so I refined it:

Wow, my intern is getting better, look at this:

Damn, I realized two problems:
- It took out Key Insights:
- It doesn’t have a link to the video
Back to the intern for another round:

Now, after this many rounds, my intern gave me results I could copy and paste right into a thread:

This is excellent.
Almost no more formatting required.
Your job isn’t done yet, though, there’s more to do.
If you haven’t guessed yet, it’s going to bite you in the ass.
ALWAYS check the links of people on your team, including AI.
The YouTube links it gave me were pretty good, but 5 of the 13 didn’t work.
For those videos, I needed to search for the actual video myself and cut in the link to it.
The Conclusion
This was a fun thread to write.
The end result was fantastic and did pretty well:
Disappear for two weeks,
Watch these 14 YouTube Videos.
I Guarantee You, they'll change your life:https://t.co/KgUNCPhlpM
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 29, 2023